We believe in living life to the fullest.
Adult ministries at Metro provide a rich array of Life Groups, Bible studies, social events, trips and
great ways to build lasting friendships!
great ways to build lasting friendships!

Our Metro Ladies have many events throughout the year and ways that you can connect with other women who are on the same path through life as you. From Table of Six to retreats, luncheons, and many other events, there are plenty of ways to get involved.
Table of Six
Various Times | Monthly
This is a great opportunity to build community and grow spiritually. This event happens once a month and is 2 hours, 4 questions, 6 ladies. Our hosts are located all over Birmingham. The times that the groups meet are sometimes Brunch, Lunch or Dinner. We can find a group for you! Don't miss the opportunity to do life with other women. We talk, pray and eat together.
This is a great opportunity to build community and grow spiritually. This event happens once a month and is 2 hours, 4 questions, 6 ladies. Our hosts are located all over Birmingham. The times that the groups meet are sometimes Brunch, Lunch or Dinner. We can find a group for you! Don't miss the opportunity to do life with other women. We talk, pray and eat together.
Ladies Luncheon
We have our ladies luncheon twice a year. This is where we communicate our calendar events for all the Metro Ladies to attend. We LOVE getting together. There is nothing quite like a room full of ladies laughing together, encouraging one another, and worshipping Jesus! Our calendar events include service projects, outdoor events and themed fun nights.

Our Metro Men have events throughout the year and ways that you can connect with other men. From breakfasts to retreats, bible studies, and many other events, there are plenty of ways to get involved.

Our Encore group has many events throughout the year! From quarterly luncheons with special guests, outings, gardening, weekly life groups and more, there are plenty of ways to get involved and stay active!
Following Worship | Once a Quarter
These luncheons are a great time to interact with one another and enjoy a delicious meal. Every luncheon is filled with special entertainment too so there's something you're sure to enjoy!
These luncheons are a great time to interact with one another and enjoy a delicious meal. Every luncheon is filled with special entertainment too so there's something you're sure to enjoy!
Weekly Life Group
Wednesdays | 10:30 AM
We have a special Life Group that meets weekly on the second floor of the LDC. This group participates in a bible study together, but you may also find them outside gardening or enjoying lunch following class.
We have a special Life Group that meets weekly on the second floor of the LDC. This group participates in a bible study together, but you may also find them outside gardening or enjoying lunch following class.

Heart strings has events throughout the year for our widows and widowers. Lunches, outing and more take place, including a special Christmas luncheon.