What is Celebrate Recovery?
Celebrate Recovery (CR) is a safe place to find refuge and belonging when facing hurts, habits or life-controlling issues. It’s a place to be real without being judged, and to heal and grow strong again. Recovery begins with a decision, followed by a process. CR uses a Christ-centered 12 step program, which comes from Scripture.
Is Celebrate Recovery for me?
Are you struggling with...
Eating Disorder
Food Addiction
Love & Relationship Addiction
Physical-Sexual-Emotional Abuse
Alcohol / Drug Addiction
Sexual Addiction
Gambling Addiction
Anyone 18 and older may attend CR, and people come for many different reasons. A common response after people attend CR is, “I was so relieved to find out I’m not the only one.”
Eating Disorder
Food Addiction
Love & Relationship Addiction
Physical-Sexual-Emotional Abuse
Alcohol / Drug Addiction
Sexual Addiction
Gambling Addiction
Anyone 18 and older may attend CR, and people come for many different reasons. A common response after people attend CR is, “I was so relieved to find out I’m not the only one.”
Watch this video to learn more about the history of Celebrate Recovery, this is a national program.
Attend Celebrate Recovery at Metro
CR meets every Thursday at 6:30 PM at Metro in the Commons. There is a free meal beginning at 6 PM.